What is Reconstructive Surgery?

damon thomas

Breast Reconstruction aims to rebuild and renew the size and shape of your breasts post-cancer surgery. There are several variables that will be discussed between yourself and Dr Damon Thomas during your consultation period to determine which options can give you significant and natural-looking results.

Every situation and person is different, therefore reconstructive surgery is unique for every patient. Whether it is using silicone implants to create a fuller bust or using natural body tissue, it all comes down to personal preference as well as addressing all possible options after the cancer treatment is complete.

Another consideration is whether you would like to bundle your breast reconstruction procedure alongside your cancer surgery. A great deal of patients lean towards this option as they will already be in hospital and know that once they are discharged they will have only one recovery process to deal with. Other patients, however, prefer to recover fully from their cancer treatment prior to beginning their reconstruction journey. Neither is right or wrong. It is purely personal preference, though something to consider prior to your mastectomy or lumpectomy.

How you feel in your own body is important. If you want to restore your former appearance, then breast reconstruction may be a viable option. Recovery time varies from patient to patient, though most spend 1 to 5 nights in hospital after the reconstruction is complete before heading home. Dr Damon Thomas will address all your questions and concerns in confidence during your pre-procedure consultation.

We understand that you and your body have gone through a great deal and we aim to reduce visible scarring as much as possible. We can do so by making incisions in more discreet areas and employing other techniques that are dependent on your individual situation. 

All of this is done to ensure that you are getting unique and tailor-made care. We view our role in this extremely important process as one step beyond the norm. We view ourselves as an important part of your support network, helping you reconstruct, recover and renew, ready for the next phase.

As always, your questions and queries are more than welcome. Feel free to call our office on (03) 9034 7738 or pop in to schedule a consultation.



Our website is intended to provide general information about breast reconstruction surgery and should not be used as a substitute for personalised medical advice. It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if breast reconstruction is the right procedure for you. The following considerations should be part of your decision-making process.


All surgical procedures carry risk. The potential risks and complications associated with breast reduction surgery include, but are not limited to, infection, bleeding, implant or tissue flap failure, scarring, asymmetry, changes in breast sensation, and the need for additional surgery. It is important to understand the risks involved and weigh up the benefits and drawbacks of surgery before undergoing breast reconstruction.


Recovery time after breast reconstruction surgery may vary depending on individual factors and the type of breast reconstruction procedure. In general, patients should be prepared to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising after surgery. Patients must also be prepared to take time off work and other activities (including exercise) and follow Dr Thomas’ post-operative instructions to promote proper healing and minimise the risk of complications.


Individual results may vary depending on a number of factors, including the patient’s age and overall health, the patient’s lifestyle and habits, the timing of the reconstructive surgery, the surgical technique employed and future cancer treatment. It is critical to have realistic expectations about the outcome of breast reconstruction surgery and understand that each patient’s outcome will be unique. 

If you have any questions or concerns about breast reconstruction surgery, please do not hesitate to contact us