This progressive condition results when fibrous tissue beneath the skin, called the palmar fascia, becomes thickened. With time, one or more fingers can become permanently bent towards the palm with this clawing. The ring and little fingers are predominantly affected but it can develop in any finger. Dupuytren’s contracture can create serious challenges in your ability to perform daily tasks.
Traditionally, surgery has been the primary modality to treat this condition, with either a comprehensive excision of all the Dupuytren’s tissue (fasciectomy) or the less-invasive needle fasciotomy.
- People who have noticeable difficulty uncurling their fingers and palm
- People who can feel a rope-like cord in the palm of their hand, causing tightening of their fingers
About Dupuytren’s fasciectomy surgery:
Generally performed under a general anaesthetic, the tight fascial bands are released and excised. The scar in the palm and fingers is altered to create a zig zag effect to minimise postoperative scar problems.
At the first dressing change, a night splint is made and is worn for 4-6 weeks.
While surgery has long been the preferred treatment, more recently, a non-surgical option has become available utilising Dupuytren’s enzyme injection. Dr Thomas has undertaken a specific training course and is certified to administer Dupuytren’s enzyme injection.
Candidates for Dupuytren’s enzyme injection:
- People who have Dupuytren’s disease, especially in the palm
- Patients wanting avoid an operation and have reduced downtime
About Dupuytren’s enzyme injection:
Following the injection, a light dressing will be applied to the hand and a custom-made splint will be fitted to be worn at night for 4 weeks. Dr Thomas will ask you to return in 30 days to check on your progress and recovery.