Breast Lift
Breasts evolve over time, as events like pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight fluctuations and even the natural process of ageing can result in sagging and drooping of the breasts.
A breast lift or mastopexy surgically restores sagging breasts by lifting and reshaping. The surgery also removes loose skin, and the nipples and areola are repositioned.
Dr Damon Thomas performs breast lifts for his patients in Melbourne. If you wish to address the changes that have occurred to your breasts, request a private consultation with Dr Thomas to discuss your options.
Candidates for Breast Lift Surgery
- Breasts that are sagging or drooping
- Breasts that appear deflated due to pregnancy or breastfeeding
- Breasts that have lost their shape after massive weight loss
- Development of loose skin that exacerbates the drooping
- Nipples and areolas that point downward instead of forward
- Breasts that are asymmetrical or in different positions
Options in a Breast Lift
There are different techniques used for a breast lift, which tend to vary based on the amount of correction required. The most common incision options include:
Lollipop Incision
This incision encircles the areola and extends down the lower portion of the breast, resembling a lollipop. This incision formation is the most common technique used for breast lifts and can be suitable in milder cases of ptosis. While there is visible scarring after a lollipop lift, the incision made around the areola is created within the pigmented area to help disguise noticeable signs of surgery.
Anchor Incision
When more correction is needed, Dr Thomas may combine the lollipop incision with a horizontal scar across the lower breast crease. This technique is known as the anchor incision since the formation is similar to a ship’s anchor. The incision underneath the breast is placed into the natural folds of skin, which helps conceal visible scarring after surgery.
The right incision for you will depend on how much lift you require, whether the nipple and areola need to be repositioned, and whether other procedures will be performed at the same time. Dr Thomas will carefully evaluate your situation and desired results to help you select a surgical technique for your needs.
About the Procedure
Dr Thomas performs breast lift surgery under general anaesthesia in one of the accredited hospitals near his office. The procedure should take about one to two hours, depending on the amount of correction that will be done and whether other procedures will be performed at the same time.
During the surgery, Dr Thomas will remove excess loose skin, while repositioning the breasts at a slightly higher profile on the chest wall. While the surgery does not change the position of the base of the breast, it has an impact on the overall contour. Excess skin is also removed to create a smoother, more youthful contour.
Dr Thomas performs many of his breast lifts as day procedures, which means you will be allowed to return home after a short time in recovery. Some patients may opt for an overnight stay in the hospital, providing them the additional opportunity for rest and monitoring before heading home. An overnight stay is particularly helpful for patients who are in need of more correction or are choosing to have more than one procedure performed at one time. Because general anaesthesia is nearly always used, you will need to have someone drive you home and remain with you for the first day or two after your surgery.
See Before and Afters