Cosmetic Procedures for Men

damon thomas

The assumption that men are not interested in plastic surgery is misguided. Although plastic surgery has long been associated with women, plenty of men also wish to enhance their features or look more youthful. Many of the procedures that are offered to women are also available for men and can provide results that help the male physique look more sculpted.

For men who are seeking enhancement to their bodies, Dr Damon Thomas performs surgical and nonsurgical procedures that align with the male aesthetic; he understands the specific contours of the male body and creates results that maintain a masculine look.


Gynaecomastia is a condition characterised by excess tissue in the male breasts (commonly referred to as “man boobs”). The excess tissue can cause significant discomfort, leading some men to seek out a way to remove the tissue and create a more toned appearance. Male breast reduction combines both liposuction and the excision of excess tissue to produce a flatter or more sculpted chest. The incisions are placed in specific locations (usually around the areola) so that the results look as natural as possible and the scarring is as inconspicuous as it can be.


As one of the most exposed areas on the body, the face is prone to the effects of ageing. Both men and women may wish to slow down the natural ageing process with procedures that can help tighten the skin and facial muscles, although a facelift for men typically involves different incisions.

The incisions that are made will depend on the amount of skin sagging from the face or the location of the sunken features. The procedure involves lifting the muscles in the face, removing excess skin and re-draping the skin over the newly-structured muscles. 


Many times, the skin on the face hasn’t lost all of its elasticity and the ageing process is specifically targeting areas near and around the eyes. In that case, eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty may be a suitable way to liven the face. As loose skin begins to collect underneath or above the eyelids, facial expressions can begin to look tired and worn. Eyelid surgery treats both the upper and lower lids by removing the excess skin that is causing a weary countenance.


Your nose is one of the most prominent features on your face. As such, it is a common target of aesthetic treatments and plastic surgery. Surgical correction can also address health concerns that make it difficult to breathe and require surgery to alleviate discomfort. 

A rhinoplasty can adjust the nose’s shape and size in proportion to the rest of the face. The procedure can also correct conditions like a deviated septum, which can interfere with breathing. As with women, a rhinoplasty for men is given special consideration to ensure that the results complement the surrounding facial skeletal structure and look natural.


Although men tend to burn more calories than women due to larger amounts of muscle mass, they can still have fatty deposits on their body that are difficult to remove with diet and exercise. When stubborn body fat won’t go away, liposuction may be a good alternative. The procedure involves using a device called a cannula to loosen the fat and suction it out of the body. Liposuction can be used on almost any part of the body where there is excess or unwanted fat.

Men who are at a stable weight and who have good skin elasticity are ideal candidates for liposuction. The results can help you achieve a more fit-looking body contour that enhances your commitment to a healthy diet and exercise.


Abdominoplasty, or more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that targets unwanted fat and skin in the stomach region. For men in particular, a tummy tuck can flatten the stomach and make the abdominal muscles more prominent. The procedure involves an incision along the lower abdomen where the muscles are tightened and the excess skin removed. The remaining skin is repositioned over the muscles and sutured into place.

Individuals who have lost significant amounts of weight or have isolated pockets of fat in their midsection are good candidates for abdominoplasty, however it is important for patients to be at a stable weight before undergoing the procedure.


For men who are not yet ready for surgery, nonsurgical procedures are available that can improve the facial aesthetic and create a more youthful appearance. Anti-wrinkle injections specifically work to relax the muscles in the face or hands that are creating wrinkles in the skin. 

When the muscles are relaxed, they are less likely to contract the skin and result in the wrinkles that are so often associated with the ageing process. Although regular injections are necessary to maintain smooth skin, this can be more appealing for some patients who wish to have more control over their aesthetic and desire a less permanent alternative to surgery.


Whereas anti-wrinkle injections target the muscles in the face, dermal fillers smooth away wrinkles and fine lines by filling in a lack of volume in the face. Many dermal fillers are available that are suited for different areas of the face and a combination of injections can be used to create specific results in men.

The benefit to using dermal fillers is that they provide hydration and support to the skin so that the results look natural. Additionally, they are a way for men to treat wrinkles that aren’t a result of muscle exertion and smooth away the lines that are instead due to sun exposure or sagging skin. Like wrinkle relaxers, they are temporary and require regular upkeep to sustain results.

Many cosmetic procedures are available that can help men maintain more youthful-looking skin or a fitter-looking body. If you would like more information about the procedures that Dr Damon Thomas provides, please contact our office on 03 9034 7738.



Our website is intended to provide general information about plastic surgery and should not be used as a substitute for personalised medical advice. It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if cosmetic or reconstructive surgery is right for you. The following considerations should be part of your decision-making process.


All surgical procedures carry risk. The potential risks and complications associated with plastic surgery depend on the type of surgery and can include bleeding, infection, scarring, asymmetry, nerve damage, and the need for additional surgery. It is important to understand the risks involved and weigh up the benefits and drawbacks before undergoing a surgical procedure.


Recovery time after plastic surgery may vary depending on the individual, the type of procedure and the extent of the operation. In general, patients should be prepared to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising after surgery. Patients must also be prepared to take time off work and other activities (including exercise) and follow post-operative instructions to promote proper healing and minimise the risk of complications.


Individual results may vary depending on a number of factors, including the patient’s natural features, the amount of correction required, and the surgical technique employed. It is critical to have realistic expectations about the outcome of plastic surgery and understand that each patient’s outcome will be unique. 

If you have any questions or concerns about cosmetic or reconstructive plastic surgery, please do not hesitate to contact us