Health Benefits of a Fixed Septum Following Rhinoplasty

damon thomas

One of the more common reasons for a Rhinoplasty procedure is a deviated septum. This occurs when the septum (the bone and cartilage that separates the nostrils) is off-centre, causing the air to flow more freely through one nostril as opposed to the other.

What you may or may not realise is that almost everyone has a deviated septum to some extent. If truth be told, approximately eight out of ten people have one. However, If your septum is only slightly off-centre, it generally won’t cause any problems, therefore you may not even realise that it is! Though for those with a more severe case of asymmetry, their deviated septum begins to impact their day to day life.

For those with a noticeably deviated septum, the following issues can arise:

  • Nose pain
  • Nosebleeds
  • Snoring
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Congestion
  • Headaches
  • Chronic sinus infections
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loud breathing
  • A crooked nasal appearance

How can a Rhinoplasty help?

A functional and cosmetic Rhinoplasty can improve both the internal structure and external appearance of the nose. This can restore symmetry to the nostrils and in turn, the face.

The main aim of a Rhinoplasty for a deviated septum is to correct the position of the septum, to allow for clearer airways and less nasal obstruction.

Dr Damon Thomas is an experienced Plasti performs Rhinoplasty procedures regularly. His extensive knowledge and understanding allow him to provide professional assistance while giving you the natural results you desire.

What benefits can I expect from my Rhinoplasty procedure?

Dr Damon Thomas is able to restore your nose to a more functional state. By correcting asymmetry in the septum, he can decrease congestion, headaches, sinus infections, pain and excessive bleeding in the nose.

In the process, he can help to provide you with a better quality of life. You can expect to sleep easier, quieter and feel better overall.

If you are noticing the above symptoms and want to see if a Rhinoplasty procedure can help to improve your day to day life, give Dr Thomas a call on 03 9034 7738. He will be more than happy to conduct an initial assessment and inform you of what can be done to improve your situation. 



Our website is intended to provide general information about rhinoplasty and should not be used as a substitute for personalised medical advice. It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if nose surgery is the right procedure for you. The following considerations should be part of your decision-making process.


All surgical procedures carry risk. The potential risks and complications associated with rhinoplasty include, but are not limited to, bleeding, infection, difficulty breathing through the nose, significant and long-lasting swelling, scarring, and the need for revision surgery. It is important to understand the risks involved and weigh up the benefits and drawbacks of surgery before undergoing rhinoplasty.


Recovery time after rhinoplasty may vary depending on the individual, the extent of the procedure, and the technique used. In general, patients should be prepared to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising after surgery. Patients must also be prepared to take time off work and other activities and follow post-operative instructions to promote proper healing and minimise the risk of complications.


Individual results may vary depending on a number of factors, including the patient’s natural nose shape and skin thickness and the surgical technique employed. It is critical to have realistic expectations about the outcome of rhinoplasty and understand that each patient’s outcome will be unique. It is also important to know that the final results of rhinoplasty may not be visible for months, as it can take a long time for the swelling to completely subside and for the nose to settle into its final appearance.

If you have any questions or concerns about nose surgery, please do not hesitate to contact us.