Benefits of a Breast Reduction

damon thomas

Breast augmentation remains popular as the years go by, but breast procedures extend past augmentations. Mr Damon Thomas offers several different breast procedures for different situations and stages in your life. One procedure in particular is called a ‘Breast Reduction’. Living with bigger breasts can come with certain drawbacks, and there are more than you may realise. Let’s check them out in detail.


For many women with fuller breasts, the skin directly underneath the breast tissue becomes irritated. This is due to heat, sweat and lack of air to the area, making this section of skin prone to irritations. Unfortunately they are hard to manage due to the cause being something you can’t change on your own.


The pure weight of large breasts can cause a variety of upper body issues. The term ‘top heavy’ insinuates that the weight of the breasts are urging the body to lean forward, putting a great deal of pressure on the spine, shoulders and neck. Women considering a breast reduction generally state this as a driving force behind their decision. By reducing the size of the breasts, the weight is lifted off your chest and you no longer have to deal with your bra strap digging into your shoulder.


Women going for a jog without a bra may experience a level of pain associated with the ‘no bra bounce’. This pain continues until you are able to find a sports bra that successfully supports your breasts. Now imagine that your breasts are too big and too heavy to be successfully held and supported by a sports bra, no matter which brand you go for. Exercise can be limited to certain activities or foregone entirely in order to avoid pain.


Last but definitely not least are your aesthetic preferences. If you simply do not like the look of large breasts, we can help. 

The most important factors for us when we begin your surgical journey are that we are able to address your concerns and help you reach your goals. If you would like to discuss the options available to you, then give us a call today on (03) 9034 7738. We can answer any further questions you may have and bring light to a somewhat heavy situation.



Our website is intended to provide general information about breast reduction surgery and should not be used as a substitute for personalised medical advice. It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if breast reduction is the right procedure for you. The following considerations should be part of your decision-making process.


All surgical procedures carry risk. The potential risks and complications associated with breast reduction surgery include, but are not limited to, bleeding, infection, changes in nipple or breast sensation, asymmetry, poor scarring and the need for additional surgery. It is important to understand the risks involved and weigh up the benefits and drawbacks of surgery before undergoing a breast reduction.


Recovery time after breast reduction surgery may vary depending on the individual, the amount of tissue removed, and the technique used. In general, patients should be prepared to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising after surgery. Patients must also be prepared to take time off work and other activities (including exercise) and follow Dr Thomas’ post-operative instructions to promote proper healing and minimise the risk of complications.


Individual results may vary depending on a number of factors, including the patient’s age and skin quality, the volume of tissue removed and the surgical technique employed. It is critical to have realistic expectations about the outcome of breast reduction surgery and understand that each patient’s outcome will be unique. It is also important to know that significant weight fluctuations can affect the size and shape of the breasts after the procedure.

If you have any questions or concerns about breast reduction surgery, please do not hesitate to contact us.